Effective & Focused Consultancy Service.
Mental Capacity Consult offers an effective and focused consultancy service. We provide this to a variety of organisations and individuals including government bodies. We help such organization to review their mental capacity policies, make best interest decision and advise on complex cases. We also identify mental capacity risk profile in organizations and formulate plans that would reduce any identified risk. Our consultants are committed to researching widely in order to keep up to date with the latest law and guidance and all have real experience in their field of expertise so they can offer you practical solutions.
Consultancy work includes the provision of tailored face-to-face, telephone and written information on a number of specialist area of mental capacity Examples of previous work include: Reviewed mental capacity policy for a large independent healthcare provider to help them achieve the standard required in the CQC inspections.
If you have a complex mental capacity question that will require more than an inquiry, whether you need to book an assessment, a short training, or specific questions relating to your family member or their mental capacity needs, please book a phone/Zoom consultation where you can have the opportunity to ask all relevant questions.